Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I take pride in myself for posting today. Though my last post was in February, I believe that by not completely abandoning my blog, I am showing a level of commitment. This means that I may finally be growing up :) There's a lot that's happened since February! I've taken multiple trips to Brookhaven National Lab in Long Island, where I attended their User's Meeting (some pretty interesting new results were shared here) and ran shifts in the PHENIX counting house. I also visited Boston for the first time, where I saw Lauren Mc. and met her awesome boyfriend Bill. My trip to Boston was so amazing that it deserves its own post, which, if history tells us anything, I will get around to in January. :) Other than that, I survived the most difficult course I've ever taken, had my very own summer intern, went to a Neutrino conference in Japan, and made a commitment to level up for good. Today I'm going to post a few photos to get started...

Bipolar socks

The Fat Man Sleeps
The Baby Manfred Sleeps
Manfred's feelings on student lab reports.  The feeling is mutual...
Manfred's feelings towards Kramer.  I cannot say the feeling is mutual... :) 
To save my sanity during circuits, I created Fu Manchu dragon.  He watched over my experiments while I was not in lab, and smote my enemies with his electrifying gaze...
They're coming!
One of my proudest culinary moments.  Grilled skirt steak and goat cheese salad with balsamic glaze
Solstice fire.  Courtesy of Uncle Daniel and the Boy Scouts
A birthday card made by my friend Aaron and I.  Aaron's idea, my perspiration.
Drive through liquid Nitrogen tank at BNL.  Awesome!
The lake at Seneca Creek State Park
With the help and patience of my mother, I  made part of this sweater!  Our goal is to finish it to this winter :) 
Squarsh plant! 
One of the many rock beaches on Long Island
That's all for now, folks :)